Thursday, June 17, 2010

week 2

Last week was killing the giants week on project, probably the toughest week of project so far. We were asked sunday night to each write down a few goals for the week for sharing our faith. We set a goal combined goal of having 2582 conversations with people, and with there being 130 of us all together that seems like a pretty big goal. Our focus was the idea that if we were to dedicate one week to sharing the gospel what would that week look like? After working an 8 hour day when coming back home many of us would have loved to just come back home and relax for an hour or two before the next big thing started up. But last week were were challenged to instead take the little bit of free time we had and use it to go and share our faith. I quickly realized that in order for me to do this I would have to ask someone else for the strength and energy because there's no way I could do it on my own. As the week went on and I talked to some of my friends on project it became apparent that we were all exhausted but yet we continued to rely on God to give us the strength and energy to do what we knew we were being asked to do that week. A group of us decided to go large group sharing on friday after work and we had some truly amazing conversations. We talked with this group of four people and were encouraged by the fact that they were already christians and they believed in what we were doing. We even got a chance to pray for them and ask God to protect them and bless their family, and at the end they even sang to us which was really cool. Sunday afternoon everyone was a little frustrated with the fact that they had planned something on our one day off but it truly turned out to be a blessing. Our entire project played games on the beach and I got to play soccer in the sand which is something Ive always wanted to do. All in all it was a great chance for all of us to hang out and enjoy eachothers company after the long week we had. That night we all ate together and then went on a picture scavanger hunt which was a blast. As we all came back together at nine in the park the staff shared with us what God had been able to accomplish through us that week. We were able to have 2600+conversations over 600 gospel presentations and saw 101 people come to Christ. It was so cool to see how God had truly used us for his purpose that week and also how he gave us the strength to do his work even after working 40 hours during the week plus all of our project stuff. This week on project I have already begun to see God work in me. One of these things being reliance on him. Yesterday at work was the worst day I have had in along time. There was so much negativity going around my office the atmosphere was draining. Along with the office just about every person I talked to on the phone was angry or yelling at me about something I had no control over. by the end of work I just wanted to go home and cry. It was only through Gods strength that I was able to keep my composure on the phones and manage not to yell back at anyone. I think He may have allowed me to go through yesterday just to remind me that I can't do it on my own I truly need him. Another thing I have been working on this week is just continuing to ask God to remind me that I am worthy to be here. In the picture above is my impact group on one of the nights we went sharing and also last friday when we went mini golfing (my group won!). I could not ask for a better group of people to be like my family here on project. I have found myself lately realizing I feel like im not worthy of these people. I feel like I dont deseve to have these people with me telling me that they love and care about me daily. But I truly thank God for these amazing brothers and sisters because through them I see more of his love for me daily. We went out sharing on tuesday night as an impact group we broke off into smaller groups and I went sharing with liz lindquist and Brian. When we went up to our first group of people and asked them if they had a few mins they quickly said no and didnt really give us a chance to even talk. Then the second group of people took our survy but we could tell they werent super interested and they didnt want to go through the KGP. After that me brian and liz were feeling pretty discouraged so we started praying and asked God to lead us to who he wanted to talk to and just to allow us a chance to have a great conversation As we looked up we saw this couple sitting a little ways from us so we decided to approach them and see if they would be willing to talk with us. As we started talking with them the lady told us that last week on the beach some mnpeople had come up to her and she had taken the survey. She also told us they had given her a KGP and she had promised them she would read it. She started to share with us how excited she had been to read it and just some of the things she had learned in it. It was such a blessing to be able to talk with them and I'll never forget the man telling us multiple times "dont be discouraged, keep up the good work" because it seemed as if God himself was using these people to remind us that we are there for him and even when people reject us its ok because we are not out there for ourselves.
Thats just a little of my heart and how ive already seen God working in my life this summer. I am truly thankful for the opportunity to be here and can't believe 4 weeks are almost gone. It's crazy to think the staff leaves us in two weeks and then project will be half over. I can't wait to see what God has instore for us the rest of this summer!
Thank you all for your prayers and your support for me this summer!

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